
Who or what is QuaText?
Qua­Text — Insti­tut für qua­li­ta­ti­ve Sozi­al­for­schung was foun­ded in 1982 as a regis­tered asso­cia­ti­on — “ein­ge­tra­ge­ner Ver­ein” (e.V.) — in Ber­lin. Its work is reco­gni­zed to be con­du­ci­ve to the com­mon good and the public interest.

The goal of the insti­tu­te is to advan­ce and fos­ter qua­li­ta­ti­ve methods in the social sci­en­ces and the humanities.

Mem­bers of Qua­Text are by majo­ri­ty socio­lo­gists who are or were rese­ar­ching and tea­ching full-time at uni­ver­si­ties. They work in a mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry way and have long las­ting expe­ri­ence in qua­li­ta­ti­ve research.

We pro­vi­de advice for rese­arch pro­jects and indi­vi­du­al sci­en­tists who collect and ana­ly­ze qua­li­ta­ti­ve data.

We regu­lar­ly offer cour­ses on inter­pre­ta­ti­ve methods of data collec­tion and methods of text ana­ly­sis (e.g. nar­ra­ti­ve inter­viewing, eth­no­gra­phic methods, dis­cour­se ana­ly­sis, case recon­struc­tions). Our main foci are  methods of bio­gra­phi­cal rese­arch and issu­es of Oral Histo­ry, and the  cour­ses are pri­ma­ri­ly desi­gned for the acqui­si­ti­on and con­so­li­da­ti­on of prac­ti­cal rese­arch skills. We invi­te par­ti­ci­pants to incor­po­ra­te their own empi­ri­cal pro­jects into the cour­ses, and offer assi­s­tance through metho­do­lo­gi­cal moni­to­ring of the­se pro­jects. Indi­vi­du­al coun­sel­ling or group work­shops can be con­duc­ted in English.

Plea­se con­ta­ct us to dis­cuss your needs.

Prof. Dr. Gabrie­le Rosenthal
Prof. Dr. Bet­ti­na Völter
Prof. Dr. Michae­la Köttig

Regis­tered office
c/o Prof. Dr. Gabrie­le Rosenthal
Boddin­stra­ße 10
12053 Berlin
Tel/Fax: 030/12345
e‑mail: G.Rosenthal@gmx.de